Power and Powerless

“Do I have to be power or powerless as a coach?"

In Coaching process power and powerless are very central question. 
  • As coach how kind of power do we have? 
  • What are the power boundaries of our posture? 
  • How do we have to focus on this very point? 
  • How do we have to handle our powerless ? 
  • And why the acceptation of our powerless is a real guide on the ethical path of coaching?

About Samia Klouche, MCC: 
I started my professional life by taking two work paths.That of psychotherapy and that of
communication. I was a psychoanalyst, then a psych genealogist and for many years I guided systemic constellation. In parallel, I was a communications director in the publishing industry, founder of a press and public relations firm, and then a journalist for about ten years. My MCC coaching certification, in addition to other certifications, illustrates my expertise in coaching, which began in 1999. With regards to my coaching activity, I hold institutional positions within the International Federation of Professional Coaches (ICF) and the Federation of Supervisors of Coaching and Business (PSF).
Coaching organizations is a mission that for me is essential in regaining meaning, awareness and resilience in our societies that are losing their bearings. 


"Vai man kā koučam ir jābūt spēcīgam vai bezspēcīgam?"

Pasākuma laikā tiks runāts par koučinga procesiem "spēks" un "bezspēcība", atbildot uz galvenajiem jautājumiem - 
  • Cik liels spēks, mums kā koučiem, ir?
  • Kādas ir mūsu nostājas spēka robežas?
  • Kā mums jākoncentrējas tieši uz mūsu nostāju?
  • Kā mums ir jātiek galā ar savu bezspēcību?
  • Un kāpēc mūsu bezspēcības pieņemšana ir īstais ceļvedis koučinga ētiskajā ceļā?

Par dalību pasākumā tiks iegūti 2CCE punkti.

Datums un laiks: 28.jūlijs, plkst.18:30
Norises vieta klātienē: Rīga, Baltā iela 1B., 807.telpa.
Vada: Samia Klouche, supervizors, organizāciju koučs, mentors, MCC koučs